
Town Hall

S9515 State Road 27
Augusta, WI

Mailing Address

Town of Bridge Creek
P. O. Box 464
Augusta, WI 54722

Town Board Meetings

3rd Thursday
Town Hall
7:00 p.m.

Augusta Weather

Town of Bridge Creek Contact Information

Town Board Meetings

3rd Thursday at Town Hall
7:00 p.m.

Town Chair - term expires April 2027

Ricky Strauch . . . 715-200-1574 (cell)

Town Supervisors

Supervisor 1 - term expires April 2027 - Patrick Bethke . . . 715-579-1208
Supervisor 2 - term expires April 2027 - Bruce Logterman . . . 715-579-2962 (cell)
Supervisor 3 - term expires April 2026 - Duane Ives . . . 608-444-0380
Supervisor 4 - term expires April 2026 - William Jacobs . . . 715-579-4038 . . .

Clerk - appointed

Elizabeth Pettis . . . 715-429-0845

Treasurer - appointed

Juli Bethke . . . 715-429-0450


Bowmar Appraisal — Monday-Friday 8am to 4:30pm . . . 715-835-1141 . . .
4330 Golf Trc, Ste 208, Eau Claire, WI 54701

Fire Wardens

Jeff Gerike — 715-577-1865 and David Volbrecht — 715-286-2162