Town Hall
S9515 State Road 27
Augusta, WI
Mailing Address
Town of Bridge Creek
P. O. Box 464
Augusta, WI 54722
Town Board Meetings
3rd Thursday
Town Hall
7:00 p.m.
Town of Bridge Creek in Eau Claire County
Bridge Creek Bulletin Board
Road Weight Restrictions will be effective on Monday, March 3, 2025!
Notes from your clerk:
My office hours will be 9 a.m. to noon on Saturdays. I am available by appointment on weekdays. Please call 715-429-0845 to set up an appointment.
- We have a gray Dropbox at the Town of Bridge Creek Hall. It is emptied daily. Please feel free to call us if you drop something in there.
Absentee Voting Notice
Town of Bridge Creek Road Damage Ordinance
Ordinance Number: 81524
Be it enacted by the Town of Bridge Creek Board as follows:
Section 1. Title and Purpose:
This ordinance is entitled the: “Town of Bridge Creek Road Damage Ordinance” which relates to preventing road damage by horse and horse-drawn vehicles and road safety concerning horse-drawn vehicles
The purpose of this ordinance is as follows:
To prevent damage to Town roads by horses and horse-drawn vehicles that use cleated horseshoes; only horseshoes with flat soles are permitted on Town roads. Cleated horseshoes may be used during the months of November 1 - April 30; when roads are snow and/or ice covered at which time will not cause damage to roads.
Section 2. Penalties
Cleated horseshoes-$60.00. Subsequent violations:$60-200.
Section 3. Effective Date:
This ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption and publication or posting as required by law. That the Town Clerk is instructed to both post and publish this ordinance as a Class 1 legal notice under Ch. 985, Wis. Stats, and a certified copy of this ordinance shall be mailed to the Eau Claire County Clerk.
Adopted this Date: September 19, 2024
Town of Bridge Creek Eau Claire County
About Town of Bridge Creek
The Town of Bridge Creek is located in eastern Eau Claire County, Wisconsin.
Bridge Creek includes large and small farms, several local businesses located just outside of Augusta, some beautiful scenic places such Coon Fork Campground, Harstad Park, Lake Eau Claire and the Wisconsin State Wildlife Recreations Area. The Town of Bridge Creek boundaries encompass the School Districts of Augusta and Osseo-Fairchild.
The recreation area is public land open to a full range of uses for everyone - it is a place to hunt, photograph and watch wildlife, fish, trap, hike, and pick berries. There are ATV and snowmobile trails in and outside of the area.